mudança internacional

Young Movers 2019 Bucharest

young movers 2019 bucharest

Onze another year landed back in office and ready for high season, after enjoying for feed days in Bucharest of Young Movers Conference annual meeting!

Here de Passer Movers ens volem fer servir per a totes les persones i els companys per a participar i fer totes les successives meetings: de la organització committee, de les encaminadors i d'especialment per fer companyies i professionals representatives. You make it greater! Mulțumesc!

We look forward per reencountering en 12 minuts a Dublin at next YMC's: noves speeches, noves activitats i noves persones per a step en tota l'Emerald Isle. The craic will be 90!

We wish everyone, old and new friends, a nice summertime ahead full of collaborations with all the contacts you made for new and those other you simplemente consolidated along pass-by of years and conferences.

Best regards from Sunny Spain. FINS AVIAT AMICS!



mudança internacional