international moving

Cities with the most job opportunities

Cities with the most job opportunities:

There are cities in developed countries with a wide variety of job offers and favorable conditions. Can you tell which ones they are? 

From Passer Moving we show you the 9 cities with the most job opportunities of the world:



At the top of the list we find Stockholm, it has an industry of high technology booming and with great attention to sustainability. Currently, the capital of Sweden is among the cities with the greatest growth and the most job opportunities in Europe in recent years. 

We must highlight that recently, 'Fortune' magazine placed Stockholm among the best cities to create a company.



The capital of Australia occupies second place in this ranking. The reason for this great position is the work-life balance, this has been key to forming its great reputation. It is considered the financial opportunity center, manufacturing and cultural from Australia.

Furthermore, it is considered one of the cities that is most committed to sustainability and the habitability.



London has always been one of the most notable destinations for job seekers. Many professionals have chosen to emigrate to the English city, whether they are doctors, businessmen, lawyers in search of the high salaries what they will find there.



We delve into Asia and discover that Singapore is one of the best examples of asian development

A city with better transportation, infrastructure and ease to do business.

It should be noted that the sectors that are experiencing the most boom are electronics, chemical products and the services sector. 

Singapore has been rated with the less corrupt system and the more open of the world.



Paris, apart from being known as the city of love, is also known as one of the cities with mhigher unemployment rate of Europe, added to a large number of museums, libraries and universities make the city an ideal place for business.

The salaries of the capital are quite high and these occur in the human resources and finance departments.


Hong Kong

At number 6 we find Hong Kong, which is at the top of the cities with longer life expectancy, higher quality of life and greater economic freedom. An ideal combination that makes it one of the best options.



The Canadian city also obtains a very good position thanks to its quality of life, his security, his sanitary system, his infrastructure and his transport

Some studies place this city in fourth position in terms of job search. And they highlight that one of the most important sectors of their economy is financial sector.


San Francisco

One of the most important points that place this city on the list is that some of the largest companies and Most important in the world, such as Google.

Some of the most sought-after professions in the city are: senior managers, legal and healthcare professions. Furthermore, these are the ones who enjoy the higher salaries.



We finish the list with the famous city in the United States, New York. This popularity is also due to the fact that for many years the USA has been considered the land of opportunities

Finance, fashion and technology are the most exploited labor sectors in this American city.

We hope that this list has been of great help to you. In addition to helping you in your decision, we help you with your move to any place in the world. Consult our website to discover all our services, consult the budget and any questions you may have.



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